Premium Plans
Upgrading to Bump4You Premium helps support development and operation of Bump4You, as well as providing you with a higher level of service and features.
Have a Premium Code?
Get Monthly Premium for one server of your choice.
Automatic Sharing
Animated Banners
Custom Headers
Premium Website Colors
Reduced Cooldown
Increased Tag Limit
Premium Role
Exclusive Server Badge
Priority Support
Get Yearly Premium for one server of your choice.
Automatic Sharing
Animated Banners
Custom Headers
Premium Website Colors
Reduced Cooldown
Increased Tag Limit
Premium Role
Exclusive Server Badge
Priority Support
Get Lifetime Premium for one server of your choice.
Automatic Sharing
Animated Banners
Custom Headers
Premium Website Colors
Reduced Cooldown
Increased Tag Limit
Premium Role
Exclusive Server Badge
Priority Support
Free for Everyone
Custom Banner
Custom Color
Global Sharing
2 Hour Cooldown
5 Tag Limit
Free Setup Assistance