Terms of Service
Last updated on October 18, 2023
What kind of information do we store?
  • In order to provide you with bumps and the appropriated content for your guild, we save the guildID, userID, username, channelID, custom-content (server description, invite link, banner url, etc).
  • When users send a bump, statistics are tracked about the bump (number of times bumped and cooldowns).
  • If at any time you or a server are blocked from sending/receiving bumps, a reason and the flag is stored to prevent bumps.
  • When a report is sent about a bump, we store the reason, the guildID, and the userID of the reporter.
  • When a guild adds/removes the bot a message is sent to our Support Server as a notification and is not stored. Only the serverID is stored.
Why do we store the information and how do we use it?
  • We store the information to provide you with the right information for your guild and settings you picked. This gives a better user experience and prevents spam and junk being sent to your guild and to maintain a safe service when using Bump4you.
Who has access to this data?
  • The data is saved on MongoDB Atlas.
  • Staff members of Bump4You can view reports and its information as well as blacklisted servers.
  • The detailed information can be only seen by Bump4You developers.
3rd Party Data Sharing
  • We do not share any data to a 3rd Party.
Questions and Concerns
  • If you are concerned about the data we store. Join the Bump4You Support Server or DM omjo on Discord.
  • You have the right to request all your data we store. It can take up to 5 working days to get all your data.
How do you remove your data?
  • Join the Bump4You Support Server or DM omjo on Discord.
  • If you are banned from the Support Server , DM omjo on Discord to remove your data.
  • Clearing this data does not clear your blocked data.