Dirty The Drunk Pirate's Tavern
Dirty The Drunk Pirate's Tavern

Yarggggh, Welcome to me tavern ye scalleywags! I'm Dirty The Pirate, a treasure and a known sailor in a undisclosed place within the world, I welcome you to the Tavern. It is a pirate themed hangout in which you can exchange conversation with other members of the server, post artwork, buy dirty The pirate merch, sell art yourself, post memes, and pretty much do whatever you wish, but follow the rules, always follow those which shouldn't be to hard to do. This may not seem like the biggest server ever, so do not knock it before you try it, we are actively trying to gain more and more members. If you would like to help us grow into a bigger community invite your friends or other people you have in your DMs. We will also have movie nights, long VCs, I most likely will always be there on vc with my facecam on always ready with my pirate gear on as Dirty The Pirate, with my customized pirate hat and goggles to play my role as Dirty The Drunk Pirate. Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you join in for the fun!

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